According to the “Twin Peaks Access Guide to the Town,” the gazebo is located in Upper Twin Park at the corner of Falls Avenue and Cedar Street. In reality, the gazebo was located by Malibou Lake on the grounds of Malibou Lake Mountain Club. Unfortunately, the devastating Woosley Fire (named after Woosley Canyon Road) that began on Nov. 8, 2018 (and was only recently contained) destroyed the gazebo. For this article, I’m taking a closer look at how the gazebo appeared in Seasons 1 and 2 of Twin Peaks.

The gazebo appears in six episodes of Twin Peaks. – 1005, 1006, 1007, 2006, 2019 and 2020. The first appearance was in Episode 1005 where Donna Hayward meets James Hurley.
Donna climbs the stairs and greets James with a big embrace.
James shares intimate details about his family as he doesn’t want any secrets to come between their new found love.
As an emotional James Hurley crosses the gazebo, we get a better look at the interior space.
The scene ends with Donna and James sharing a close embrace with the roof of the gazebo in the background.

We return to the gazebo in Episode 1006 where James Hurley is seen waiting for Donna and Maddy Ferguson who is dressed like Laura Palmer. The trio meet at the gazebo as part of their plan to lure Dr. Lawrence Jacoby away from his office.
While James waits for Maddy and Donna to approach, we get a look at the side of the gazebo.

When James finally approaches the disguised Maddy, we get another look at the gazebo (albeit slightly out of focus).

The next appearance of the gazebo in Episode 1006 is on Dr. Jacoby’s television in his office. We catch a brief glimpse of the gazebo when Jacoby reviews the videotape the trio left for him.

Thinking they have fooled Dr. Jacoby, James and Donna head to his office and leave Maddy dressed as Laura Palmer standing by the gazebo.

Jacoby, however, is no fool and realizes that the video was shot by the gazebo. These images appear slightly different than the previous video Jacoby watches while on the phone with Maddy. More than likely there were multiple takes used for the videotape footage.

The scene cuts back to Maddy dressed as Laura waiting by the gazebo for James and Donna to return.
It appears that someone else is watching Maddy from behind the bushes and trees. The camera follows her moving around the gazebo until the episode ends and the credits roll.

The final appearance of the gazebo in Season 1 is in Episode 1007. Dr. Jacoby has made his way to Upper Twin Park instead of Sparkwood & 21. He spots Maddy dressed as Laura Palmer still waiting by the gazebo for Donna and James to return.
Maddy is seen walking around the gazebo from the point-of-view of Dr. Jacoby just before he is violently attacked by a masked man.

In Episode 2006, the gazebo can be seen in the background when Maddy and James sits on the dock by Black Lake.

During the close up shots, the gazebo is seen just out of focus behind James. The sun illuminated part of it in this image.
The scene ends with Maddy saying goodbye to James and leaving him to sit on the dock. The gazebo is still present just over his shoulder.

Toward the end of Season 2, the gazebo appears just after Annie Blackburn and Special Agent Dale Cooper return from a short boat excursion. This time, they are being watching by Windom Earle.

Earle watches as the two share a kiss.

One of the best views is from Earle’s point of view as he watches Cooper and Annie walk around the gazebo.

Later in Episode 2019, Cooper is called back to the gazebo by Sheriff Harry S. Truman after a gigantic mysterious wooden box appears.
Cooper and Truman discuss the box that looks to be placed on grass. Windom Earle must have added the sod to the gazebo floor before placing the box.

Cooper finds a giant rock in the landscaping near the gazebo.
Yellow caution tape is tied around the rock and Cooper attached the tape to the round handle coming from the wooden box.

Sharpshooter Cooper shoots the rock from the gazebo railing which pulls open the wooden box.

A massive human-stuffed black pawn is found inside the box. You can get a better look at the sod Earle must have placed on the gazebo.

A close up image of the pawn’s face gives another look at the interior of the gazebo’s roof.

The final appearance of the gazebo is in Episode 2020, which opens with Twin Peaks Sheriff’s Deputies and others (the “bomb squad”?) attempting to safely remove the pawn.
The team eventually carries the black pawn away from the gazebo as Cooper and Truman interview the victim’s friend nearby. This is the final appearance of the gazebo in Twin Peaks.

As mentioned, the gazebo was destroy during the Woosley Fire. The screen cap above from an NBC 4 News broadcast was first shared by Charlie Piper on Twitter on Nov. 11.
While the Gazebo is a sad loss for Twin Peaks fans, there are plenty of other people who need lots of help in the area. See this article from CBS News that shares ways you can assist those affected by this terrible fire.

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