I’ve been exploring the various locations used for Yankton Federal Prison in Twin Peaks: The Return on Showtime. This time, we stop by Warden Dwight Murphy’s office as seen in Part 7. Like several other scenes that take place in the prison, the office set is located at Sybil Brand Institute in Los Angeles, California.

Located at 4500 City Terrace Drive in Los Angeles, California, this former women’s correctional facility operated from 1963-1997. It’s now primarily used as a film and television location.
After Mr. C is returned to his jail cell, he tells the guard that he needs to speak with Warden Murphy in his office about a strawberry.

According to Google Earth, Warden Murphy’s office is located near the visitor’s entrance at Sybil Brand Institute. The brick wall was one of the clues I used to identify the exact location.

The office scene opens with Warden Murphy standing behind his desk as Mr. C is escorted by two prison guards. These scenes were shot on November 24, 2015.

Thanks to the internet, I found a matching location image complete with wood paneling!

As the guards escort Mr. C to a green chair, we catch a glimpse of that red brick wall outside the office.

Another location photo revealed the other side of the office set. Notice the brick wall and part of the word “Visitor” on the wall.

LocoScout.com provided a better look at the visitors entrance which appears to match the other location image and episode screen cap.

Warden Murphy watches as the guards place Mr. C in the green chair. They have an intense conversation about dog legs, Joe McClusky and the late Mr. Strawberry.

The conversation ends with Mr. C ensuring a car with “friend” in the glovebox was available for Ray Monroe and him at 1:00 a.m. Smooth and safe.
Of all the mysteries from Season 3 of Twin Peaks, I really would love to know more about Mr. Strawberry and Joe McClusky. Maybe one day…