In a recent article, I discussed the exterior locations used for Yankton Federal Prison in Twin Peaks on Showtime. This time we venture inside to the administration hallways from this California location that was once home to a women’s prison.

In Twin Peaks Part 4, FBI Agents Gordon Cole, Albert Rosenfield and Tamy Preston arrive at Yankton Federal Prison in South Dakota to visit with someone who claims to be Special Agent Dale Cooper.
In reality, the interior scenes were shot at Sybil Brand Institute located at

Thanks to the internet, there are several location photos available from inside this spot. This hallway at Sybil Brand appears to match the hallway seen above. If I’m not mistaken, the area beyond the prison gates is actually the parking lot discussed in previous article about this location.

The team walks down the hall to an evidence room containing several items found in Mr. C’s trunk. This room appears to be from inside Sybil Brand yet I’ve been unable to find a matching location photo.

After the FBI Agents visit with Cooper/Mr. C, they walk down a different hallway. Cole tells Warden Murphy that “Cooper” should get his phone call and he hopes to hear all about it.

The image above appears to match the hallway seen in Part 4. Notice the brown tile on the right side of the image and the curved door handle on the open blue door.

After the FBI team departs Yankton Federal Prison in Part 4, the scene cuts back to the airport. You can read about this location, now bathed in blue, in this article.

In Part 7, the FBI team return to the first hallway with Diane Evans.

Here’s another look at the hallway from inside Sybil Brand Institute.

Again, you can see some cars parked outside the widow in the top image above. The bottom image is just after the FBI and Correctional facility teams depart the scene.

After Diane Evans’ speaks with Cooper/Mr. C, she quickly departs the correctional facility followed by the FBI team. Gordon Cole thanks Warden Murphy before exiting the building.

One final look at the actual hallway where Cole and Murphy speak in Part 7.
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