Setting the Stage – Marsh Mansion Exteriors

Image collage of Marsh Mansion scenes

I love the James Hurley and Evelyn Marsh story arc. I didn’t at first but after my first 29 1/2 hour Twin Peaks marathon in 1994, the story grew on me. Perhaps it was the nod to 1950s Noir cinema or the dialogue between James, Evelyn and Malcolm Sloan. From episodes 2.011 to 2.015, the action takes places at the Marsh Mansion. This Setting the Stage article takes a look at the exteriors from this film location.


Marsh Mansion
Image courtesy of Google Maps

The mansion where many of the exterior scenes were shot is a private residence located at 4825 Louise Avenue in Encino, California. I searched everywhere for location photos but all I could find were these aerial views courtesy of Google Maps.

Beverly Hills, 90210

This location was used in a couple of other television shows. This incredible website provided a detailed look at television shows that used this home including Beverly Hills, 90210 (sadly the site is missing Twin Peaks). The screen caps above are from “April is the Cruelest Month” (Episode 19 from Season 1), which featured a pre-Friends Matthew Perry playing Roger Azarian.

Here’s a look at where some of the action took place outside the home in season 2.

Google Maps
Google Maps
Google Maps
Google Maps
Google Maps
Google Maps

Most of the scenes were shot either on the front, side or driveway of the Encino home. Let’s take a closer look at these scenes.


Exterior of Evelyn Marsh's Mansion
Episode 2.011

The first time we see the exterior of Marsh Mansion is in episode 2.011. This establishing shot cuts to James working on a car in the garage.

James Hurley and Evelyn Marsh in a garage
Episode 2.011

Evelyn speaks with James as he repairs Jeffrey Marsh’s 1948 Jaguar 2 1/2 Litre Drophead Coupe Mark IV in the garage. This scene appears to be shot in the three car garage located behind the house.

James Hurley and Evelyn Marsh in a garage
Episode 2.011

In the script written by Barry Pullman, the Jeffrey Marsh’s car is a Dusenberg, not a Jaguar.

James and Evelyn stand beside her husband’s Dusenberg up on blocks.

I got a garage man to come out yesterday. Not that I understood a single word he said. Something vague about the front axle? He said he’ll have to order it from God knows where.

(looking under the car)
Germany. Your garage man’s playing it safe. I can put this right. God, it’s really beautiful.

The scene picks up with James saying “I can put this right.” I assume the filmed the other part as the edit seems abrupt.

James Hurley and Evelyn Marsh in a garage
Episode 2.011

The scripted dialogue mirrors the onscreen action except Evelyn calls out that the Jaguar was manufactured in 1948. If they had used a Dusenberg as scripted, she would have said the car was manufactured in 1923.

James Hurley in a garage
Episode 2.011

Evelyn asks James if he cares for his bike like her husband Jeffrey who wants to have the most unique and beautiful things. James responds with an iconic line from season two.

It’s not a place. It’s a feeling.

(coming up from the car, looking out at the road)
Sometimes riding at night, I punch off my headlight, turn up the throttle and just go for it.

Instead of saying “just go for it,” James uses the phrase, “…and just rocket blind into the dark.”

The scene ends like the scripted action with James staring out from the garage after Evelyn leaves.

James glances at her, feeling this fresh allure. She turns and starts away. James wonders a little at her tone, and what he might be getting himself into.


Exterior of Marsh Mansion
Episode 2.012

Another establishing shot of the Marsh Mansion is used in episode 2.012. This one is a slightly wider angle than the shot used in the previous episode (notice the moon in the upper right corner). The scene cuts to Malcolm Sloan and James Hurley speaking in the guest bedroom.

Later in the episode, we return to the garage where there is an entire scripted exchange that is missing. The Jaguar was still listed as a Dusenberg and Evelyn brought a six-pack of beer with limes.

James works below the Dusenberg on a sled. EVELYN MARSH moves into the room. James sneaks a look as she walks towards the car; she wears an opened blouse and cut off jeans. She carries a six pack of beer and limes. James slides the sled out.

Coffee break?

Sounds great. Give me just a second.

James slides back under for a moment. Evelyn drifts to the window, stands in the sunlight.

It’s so hot today. Feels like Indian summer. Can you have Indian summer in the spring?

I don’t know why not.

She turns back, as James comes out from under the car.

I love the sun. Feels like it could just burn away all your troubles. Wouldn’t that be nice?

(takes a pull on the beer)
I guess.

You’ve got troubles, don’t you? Maybe someday we should tell each other all our sad stories.

That could take a while.

You must be absolutely fried working under there.

Not so bad. Here, look.

James and Evelyn in the garage
Episode 2.012
James and Evelyn in the garage
Episode 2.012
James and Evelyn in the garage
Episode 2.012
James and Evelyn share a kiss in the garage
Episode 2.012

While enjoying beer, James and Evelyn share their first kiss until interrupted by Jeffrey Marsh’s return.

View from the Jaguar
Episode 2.012
View from the Jaguar
Episode 2.012

We see Jeffrey exit his car from the garage (which confirms the scenes were shot on location versus a set). You can see the Jaguar hood ornament in the foreground.

Evelyn Marsh and James Hurley sitting in the Jaguar
Episode 2.012
James Hurley sitting in the passenger seat of the Jaguar
Episode 2.012

Evelyn fixes her make up and excuses herself to meet Jeffrey. James is seen in the passenger seat while he watches their reunion.

Evelyn Marsh greeting her husband Jeffrey
Episode 2.012
Evelyn Marsh greeting her husband Jeffrey
Episode 2.012

Evelyn meets Jeffrey on the sidewalk by the house where they share a kiss.

James sitting in the driver's seat of the 1948 Jaguar
Episode 2.012

James watches the kiss from the driver seat of the Jaguar as the scene ends.

View from a window looking at a house
Episode 2.012

The first nighttime exterior shot is also found in episode 2.012.

View from a window looking at a house
Episode 2.012

A lightening storm wakes James who is sleeping the guest bedroom that is supposedly above the garage. The back of the house is shown through hatched glass.

Yet I believe these shots were captured by using a bucket truck and placing hatched glass in front of the lens. Why? As we’ll see later in the episode, there is no second floor above the garage.

Google Maps
Google Maps

Additionally, it looks like the guest bedroom may be found on the second floor of the house. Granted I’m still leaning toward this being a set. The lighting, however, reveals a corner detail of the home (bottom photo) which means James could be staring out the window of the bedroom onto the driveway (top photo). Without interior reference photos, I’ve been unable to confirm.


Evelyn Marsh wearing sunglasses in the garage
Episode 2.013
Evelyn Marsh looking at James Hurley
Episode 2.013

We return to the garage in episode 2.013 where James speaks with Evelyn about the Jeffrey situation. This is the same garage where James was seen fixing the Jaguar.

James escorted Evelyn who is blindfolded
Episode 2.013

Later in episode 2.013, James escorts a blindfolded Evelyn from the front of the house to the driveway.

James Hurley escorting Evelyn Marsh who is blindfolded
Episode 2.013
Evelyn Marsh, who is blindfolded, standing on the driveway
Episode 2.013

He leaves blindfolded Evelyn with Champagne flutes standing in the middle of the driveway.

James Hurley standing on the side of a Jaguar
Episode 2.013

James stands on the Jaguar with Champagne bottle in hand. The three-car garage is seen behind him. Notice how there is no second floor and no hatched window in which to capture that earlier angle seen in episode 2.012.

James Hurley pouring champagne for Evelyn
Episode 2.013
Evelyn and James leaning against the Jaguar
Episode 2.013
James Hurley and Evelyn Marsh sharing an intimate moment on the Jaguar
Episode 2.013
Malcom watches James Hurley and Evelyn Marsh sharing an intimate moment on the Jaguar
Episode 2.013

They share a toast which turns into a romantic tryst on the front fender of the Jaguar. The camera pulls back (probably on a wheeled dolly) to reveal Malcolm Sloan watching the dangerous liaison.


Rolls Royce in a garage
Episode 2.014

Episode 2.014 returns again to the three-car garage with a pan of a 1974 Rolls Royce Shadow I, a 1959 Chevrolet Corvette C1 (first seen parked outside Wallies Hideout) and the Jaguar that James is repairing.

Cars parked in a garage
Episode 2.014
Cars parked in a garage
Episode 2.014
Jaguar in a garage
Episode 2.014

You can also see James’ motorcycle parked next to the Jaguar in this scene.

James Hurley and Jeffrey Marsh meeting
Episode 2.014

We are then introduced to Nike jogging suit-wearing Jeffrey Marsh who is carrying a familiar looking silver briefcase. Wait a second…

Albert Rosenfield and his agents at the Twin Peaks Sheriff's Department
Episode 1.002
Albert Rosenfield looking at a briefcase with Sheriff Truman and Deputy Dale Cooper
Episode 2.015

Is Jeffrey Marsh actually a FBI Agent? His briefcase appears to match cases seen in episodes 1.002 and 2.015. Nah … the case was probably just an easy-to-use prop hanging around.

James Hurley speaking with Jeffrey Marsh
Episode 2.014

James and Jeffrey speak for a few moments as repairs to the Jaguar are being completed.

Evelyn and Jeffrey Marsh
Episode 2.014
James Hurley by a toolbox
Episode 2.014
Jeffrey and Evelyn Marsh
Episode 2.014
Jeffrey getting into Jaguar as Evelyn watches
Episode 2.014

Jeffrey climbs into the Jaguar after saying goodbye to Evelyn.

Jaguar driving down a drive way
Episode 2.014

Jeffrey Marsh drives away down the driveway past the spot where the car was parked in Episode 2013 for the romantic rendezvous.

Evelyn Marsh
Episode 2.014
Evelyn Marsh
Episode 2.014

Evelyn watches her husband leave the house for the last time.

Exterior of Marsh Mansion
Episode 2.014

The same exterior establishing shot first seen in episode 2.011 is used again. The action cuts to the guest bedroom where James and Evelyn speak. James suddenly feels the urge to check on his bike.

James Hurley next to his bike
Episode 2.014
James Hurley next to his bike
Episode 2.014

Later in the episode after Donna meets Evelyn at Wallies Hideout, an anguished James Hurley is seen in the Marsh’s three-car garage while “Just You and I” plays in the background.

Police cars driving down a road
Episode 2.014
Police car outside Marsh Mansion
Episode 2.014
Police Car on the driveway
Episode 2.014
Police cars outside Evelyn Marsh's house
Episode 2.014

Evelyn speaks with James in the guest bedroom. He realizes he’s been set up to take the fall for Jeffrey’s murder. Evelyn encourages him to run. There are scenes of police cars arriving at the Marsh Mansion. Interestingly, the view is the same as episode 2.012 during the rainstorm. Most likely these scenes were probably shot at the same time as that rainstorm scene between Malcolm and James. Why else would the ground be wet?

James Hurley looking at Police Cars
Episode 2.014
James Hurley and Donna Hayward
Episode 2.014
Evelyn Marsh speaking to police
Episode 2.014
James Hurley and Donna Hayward running away
Episode 2.014

James sneaks out of the house and is surprised to find Donna Hayward. Together they run off into the darkness as Evelyn Marsh speaks with the police officers.


Exterior of the Marsh Mansion at night
Episode 2.015

Another nighttime establishing shot of the side of the Marsh Mansion is seen in episode 2.015. Notice the ground is still wet so they probably shot this at the same time as the aerial shots seen in episodes 2.011 and 2.014.

Donna Hayward watching Evelyn and Malcom plot while looking at James
Episode 2.015

The final exterior shot has Donna Hayward peeking through a window as Malcolm and Evelyn plot to kill James.

Google Maps
Google Maps – Beverly Hills, 90210

Most likely, she was looking to a bay window on the front of the house. Notice the same curved window and carpet found in that aforementioned Beverly Hills, 90210 episode.

My dream one day is to visit this actual film location. Until then, I will just have to settle for Music to Frame James Hurley By.


  • Steven Miller at Twede's Cafe enjoying cherry pie and coffee

    A "Twin Peaks" fan since October 1993, Steven Miller launched Twin Peaks Blog in February 2018 to document his decades-long fascination with David Lynch and Mark Frost's wonderful and strange show. With his Canon camera in hand, he's visited numerous film locations, attended Twin Peaks events and conducted extensive historical research about this groundbreaking series. Along with fellow Bookhouse Boys, he dreams of creating a complete Twin Peaks Archive of the series and feature film. Steven currently resides in Central Florida.

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