Mount Si with trees in foreground

Twin Peaks Location – Visit from the Frogmoth

In two previous articles, I detailed the locations of the boy and girl scenes from Twin Peaks Part 8 on Showtime. This final article in that series takes a closer look at the arrival of the Frogmoth at the girl’s bedroom. The interior and exterior scenes were shot in the same location as the “Goodnight Kiss” scene.


Google Maps
Google Maps

You may recall from the previous stories how I located this spot – the solitary building near the home provided the much needed clue to discovering the location. I figured they must have shot the interior bedroom scene in the same area (why pack up and move to the set far away?).

The approximate coordinates of the house are 34°23’49.1″N 118°43’04.3″W.

Twin Peaks Film Location - Visit from the Frogmoth
Image courtesy of some outstanding people

Thanks to a public image folder on the internets, I found this image of the house exterior. I believe the room they used is in the front left side of the home. More on that in a moment.


Black and white image of little girl sitting on a bed with window open
Part 8
Black and white image of little girl sitting on a bed with window open
Part 8

In the scene, a girl is listening to “My Prayer” by The Platters following a goodnight kiss from a boy.

Inside the house
Photo courtesy of the same outstanding people

The same outstanding people who uploaded a house exterior also included an house interior image.

Twin Peaks Film Location - Visit from the Frogmoth
Comparions of windows from Part 8 and the actual location

I believe this is same room used because of the windows. If you look carefully, you’ll notice the same window details appear in the episode and at the location. Clearly the set was decorated before shooting.


Black and white image of a radio on a side table
Part 8
Black and white image of a radio
Part 8

The girl looks at her radio once the Woodsman takes over the airwaves.

Silvertone Radio
1950s Silvertone Radio

I first identified the radio the day after Part 8 first aired on Showtime. It appears to be a slightly modified Sears Silvertone Radio No. 1 that was manufactured between 1949-1951. I’m guessing that a handle was added to the top by the prop department. The front left knob may have also been replaced. I haven’t found a radio that matches the design with a handle and different knob.

Chris Isaak - Silvertone
Chris Isaak – Silvertone

Of course, when I think of “Silvertone” I think of Chris Isaak’s 1985 debut album which contained two instrumental tracks used in David Lynch’s Blue Velvet. The first was “Livin’ For Your Lover” which is heard at the party where Jeffrey and Sandy dance. The other is “Gone Ridin'” which is heard during Frank Booth’s joyride with Jeffrey. I digress.


Black and white image of little girl laying on bed by window
Part 8

The girl falls asleep thanks to the soothing voice of The Woodsman.

Frogmoth in the dirt
Part 8
Black and white image of the window slightly cracked open
Part 8

Enter the Frogmoth! The scene contains several exterior shots of the Frogmoth’s arrival at the girl’s bedroom (ala “Killer Bob style” by entering through her bedroom window).

Google Maps
Google Maps

The window scene helped me identify where it was shot as seen on the map above.

Twin Peaks Film Location - Visit from the Frogmoth
Comparison of Part 8 and the actual location

Above is a comparison of the scene from Part 8 and the actual location. The trees appear to match which makes me think it was the front left side window.


Black and white image of little girl asleep
Part 8

The scene cuts to a close of up the girl sleeping on her bed.

Black and white image of little girl asleep with her mouth open as the Frogmoth approaches
Part 8
Black and white image of little girl asleep with her mouth open as the Frogmoth approaches
Part 8
Black and white image of little girl asleep
Part 8

The Frogmoth approaches and she opens her mouth. The creature then climbs inside the girl’s mouth and effectively created nightmares for generations to come.

Part 8 Credits
Part 8

The credits from this episode play over the face of the sleeping girl. I present this particular screen grab as BUF was the visual effects company responsible for creating the Frogmoth. They recently shared a behind the scenes look at the 213 shots they created for Twin Peaks on Showtime.

Frogmoth image courtesy of BUF

In particular, they discuss the Frogmoth’s creation:

It was an exciting challenge to create the Frogmoth :  a strange creature between the moth and the frog. We first received a drawing from Lynch for the back part of the body. We then worked on the design to validate the look with the director, before proceeding to the setup. It was nevertheless a continuous creative process, as the setup had to change a few times to get the desired shape and textures.

The Frogmoth in Part 8
The Frogmoth in Part 8

The BUF team continued:

We also had to find a convenient animation for this imaginary character, who had to be a nasty and scary animal, moving slowly, but still be able to fly without getting comical. The rigging was done with muscles and grease. We also added some hair.

I think they did a fantastic job creating such a memorable creature for a very haunting scene.


  • Steven Miller at Twede's Cafe enjoying cherry pie and coffee

    A "Twin Peaks" fan since October 1993, Steven Miller launched Twin Peaks Blog in February 2018 to document his decades-long fascination with David Lynch and Mark Frost's wonderful and strange show. With his Canon camera in hand, he's visited numerous film locations, attended Twin Peaks events and conducted extensive historical research about this groundbreaking series. Along with fellow Bookhouse Boys, he dreams of creating a complete Twin Peaks Archive of the series and feature film. Steven currently resides in Central Florida.

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