Roadhouse and Bookhouse under cloud-filled sky

Twin Peaks Location – Twin Peaks Savings & Loan

In Episode 2.022, Audrey Horne performs an act of civil disobedience by chaining herself to a vault in the Twin Peaks Savings & Loan. Shortly after, Andrew Packard and Pete Martell open a safety deposit box filled with a parting gift from Thomas Eckhardt. In reality, the Twin Peaks Savings & Loan was filmed at two different spots in Los Angeles, California.


Google Maps
Google Maps

The interior scenes were shot at this building located at 650 South Spring Street in downtown Los Angeles. Hat tip to Scott Prendergast for identifying the spot on Twitter.

Bank worker sleeping at a desk
Episode 2.022

The scene opens with an image of a “New Accounts” employee sleeping. I love they included the number “1985” on the drawer behind her (folks haven’t opened an account in a long time).

Inside of Twin Peaks Savings and Loan
Episode 2.022

We get a better look at the area when Loan Manager Dell Mibbler receives a phone call.

Audrey Horne walking into savings & Loan
Episode 2.022

Audrey Horne arrives to chain herself to the vault’s gate. She is protesting of the bank’s connections to the Ghostwood development project now being run by Catherine Martell.

Audrey Horne chained to Vault entrance
Episode 2.022
Dell Mibler walking through bank
Episode 2.022

As Dell brings Audrey a glass of water, we get a look at the vault door side of the bank.

The Reserve
The Reserve

While the location originally was a bank in the 1920s, it is now a club called The Reserve that opened in 2014.

Map of The Reserve
Map of The Reserve

This map of The Reserve shows the interior scenes were shot on the left side.

The Reserve
The Reserve
The Reserve
The Reserve

Here are some better looks inside the club courtesy of their official website.

Muhammad Ali
Muhammad Ali by the vault

Scott also shared with me two photos of famous boxer Muhammad Ali sitting in front of the vault.


Returning to the episode, Pete Martell and Andrew Packard pass by Audrey Horne on their way to a safety deposit box inside the vault.

Andrew Packard and Pete Martell enter the vault
Dell Mibler by the safety deposit boxes with Andrew Packard and Pete Martell

Dell Mibbler slowly escorts Andrew and Pete to the safety deposit boxes inside the vault.

Opening the safety deposit box
Episode 2.022

Andrew opens the door to safety deposit box 14761.

Black Dots Watch
Swatch Watch

A hat tip to @smearattack who noticed Andrew was wearing a Black Dots POP Swatch watch from 1988. Note the link no longer works but I’ve left it for reference. It originally had this in the URL: “pwbb103-black-dots.”

Open box with bomb and note
Episode 2.022
Andrew Packard and Pete Martell react to message in bank vault
Episode 2.022
Bomb going off inside box with note
Episode 2.022
Pete Martell and Andrew Packard react to bomb exploding
Episode 2.022

Thomas Eckhardt left a bomb inside the box with a note: “Got you, Andrew. Love, Thomas.”

The Reserve
The Reserve
The Reserve
The Reserve

The Reserve turned the safety deposit box room into a bar. I wonder if box 14761 is still on the wall (according to Brad Dukes, author of “Reflections: An Oral History of Twin Peaks,” it was still there in 2010).


Once the bomb begins exploding, the action cuts to an exterior scene.

Car passing by building
Episode 2,022

For the longest time, I thought this building may be in downtown Los Angeles, California.

Car passing exploding building
Episode 2.022

Yet I wondered what building company would allow the front door and windows to be purposely destroy.

Explosion at building
Episode 2.022

Unless the building was being demolished, this didn’t make sense. I concluded it had to be a set or possible shot on a backlot area in Los Angeles.

Universal Studios Backlot
New York Street on Universal Studios Lot

The first place I looked was Universal Studios Lot where I found a matching image of the building facade. The website stated the Backlot photos were only a guide as some locations may have changed. The image looked very similar to the exterior facade in Episode 2.022.

Backlot buildings at Universal Studios Lot
Photo of backlot at Universal Studios

Thankfully had these image of the building facade from pre-2008. You will notice the grates on the front of the building near the sidewalk which also appear in the episode. The backlot area was rebuilt following a devastating fire in June 2008.

Google Maps
Google Maps

This aerial view from Google Maps shows the location of the bank facade. Interestingly, it’s close to the courthouse square location seen in Back to the Future.

The scene ends with Dell Mibbler’s glasses flying through the air and landing on a tree. Dollar bills from the bank rain down as the scene fades to black.

Glasses flying through the air
Episode 2.022
Glasses in a tree
Episode 2.022
Money flying through air by fir tree
Episode 2.022

I wonder if the glasses scene was shot by the fir trees by the aforementioned Back to the Future courthouse. According to the map above, there appears to be a tree that could possibly match. What a wild connection to a classic 1980s film that could explain Richard/Cooper’s final line from Season 3: “What year is this?” (Ha!).


  • Steven Miller

    A "Twin Peaks" fan since October 1993, Steven Miller launched Twin Peaks Blog in February 2018 to document his decades-long fascination with David Lynch and Mark Frost's wonderful and strange show. With his Canon camera in hand, he's visited numerous film locations, attended Twin Peaks events and conducted extensive historical research about this groundbreaking series. Along with fellow Bookhouse Boys, he dreams of creating a complete Twin Peaks Archive of the series and feature film. Steven currently resides in Central Florida.

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