In Twin Peaks episode 2.019, we’re introduced to one of Windom Earle’s many disguises – Fisherman Earle. This outfit may be one of my favorites, so I was particularly delighted when I found a replica prop of his fishing vest.
Earle is seen hiding in the bushes at Easter Park while he watches Dale Cooper and Annie Blackburn share a kiss on the shore.

The scene was filmed in a private, residential park on Malibou Lake in Agoura, California.
To identify his vest, I concentrated on his patch. From what I could tell, the patch read “Woods Goods Saf-T-Bak.”

An internet search turned up eBay links for hunting vests. It didn’t take long for me to find a replica fishing vest available for sale.

There were a couple of different versions of the vest available on eBay. The one I thought matched has a tag that says “Stock 722.”

Since I could only find eBay links to Saf-T-Bak products, I figured the company must have folded. Luckily, I found this YouTube video which provided a fantastic history of Saf-T-Bak.
Long story short, the company was founded in 1901 as the Altoona Overall Co. & Pants Factory in Altoona, Pennsylvania. Originally, they only made clothing for coal miners, but business expanded to include clothing for a variety of workers and the military. In 1954, the company changed its name to Saf-T-Bak and focused on safety clothing for hunting and fishing. The company ceased operation in November 1991.

With the acquisition of this replica prop, I’m now one step closer to become Windom Earle. By the way, I love this shot. Kenneth Welsh played this role perfectly!
my fam’s biz.