Miriam! Hey, I just want to talk to you … about how I found the location where your scene was shot in Twin Peaks Part 10 on Showtime. In this episode, Richard Horne pays a visit to school teacher Miriam Sullivan’s trailer. I found the film location by accident while working on article about the candle holder briefly seen in her home (another replica prop I now own).
The scene was shot at 8208 428th Ave SE, Snoqualmie, Washington. I figured it was shot in Washington State because of the mountain seen in the background.

The establishing shot for this scene is actually a close up of the top of Mt. Si that overlooks the town of North Bend, Washington. I’ll never forget climbing to the top of Mt. Si in August 1996. I recall someone saying that if you look at the mountain sideways, you will see a face. According to a story from the Snoqualmie tribe:
“Mount Si figures prominently in a Prometheus story from the Snoqualmie tribe. According to the story it is the dead body of Snoqualm, the moon. Snoqualm had ordered that a rope of cedar bark be stretched between the earth and the sky. But Fox and Blue Jay went up the rope and stole the sun from Snoqualm. Snoqualm chased them down the cedar rope, but it broke and he fell to his death. Fox then let the sun free in the sky and gave fire to the people. A face like Snoqualm’s is visible on the rocks near the summit.”
But I knew that the mountain behind Miriam’s trailer was not the front of Mt. Si. I figured it had to be the tail end.

I searched the area using street view on Bing Maps. Sadly, Google Maps street view only has images from August 2008, but Bing has images from 2014. It didn’t take long to find a match. Compare the red circle image with the image from Part 10. You’ll notice similar details found on the mountain in both images.
Next, I compared building details from the scene to landmarks I could see on Bing maps.

Zooming in from street view on Bing Map, I could see a shed that looked similar the one in Part 10.

I traveled down the street and zoomed in to see the backsides of buildings Richard stands in front of in Part 10. Again, they looked like a match.
This isn’t the first time this location was seen in Twin Peaks on Showtime. Check out this story about the Farmer’s Home from Twin Peaks Part 7.
Please note – This location is on Private Property, so “No Trespassing.”