One-story house with a white fence

Showtime For Your Consideration Emmy 2018 Event for Twin Peaks

The Showtime For Your Consideration (FYC) Emmy 2018 Event for Twin Peaks was held on May 2, 2018 for invited Television Academy National Active members and a guest to an encore screening of Part 18 from Twin Peaks: The Return. The screening was followed by a panel discussion with David Lynch, Kyle MacLachlan and Laura Dern as moderated by Andy Greenwald. The event was held from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the Paramount Theatre at Paramount Studios located at 5555 Melrose Avenue in Hollywood, California (the Bronson Gate Entrance).


The Showtime marketing team shared several ads on social media leading up to the screening.

Showtime FYC ad with Laura Dern as Diane Evens
May 1 – Advertisement with Diane Evans played by Laura Dern

May 1 – TOMORROW, we’ll be LIVE from the #TwinPeaks #Emmys2018 event with David Lynch, Kyle MacLachlan and Laura Dern! Follow along beginning around 9:45p ET/6:45p PT for red carpet arrivals and join us an hour later for live Tweets from the Q&A.

Showtime FYC Ad featuring Kyle MacLachlan as Agent Dale Cooper against red curtains
May 2 – Advertisement with Dale Cooper played by Kyle MacLachlan

May 2 – TONIGHT, we’ll be LIVE from the Twin Peaks Emmy 2018 event with David Lynch, Kyle MacLachlan and Laura Dern!

May 2 – We’re just about 1 HOUR away from the TwinPeaks Emmys 2018 event!
– 6:30p Talent Arrivals. 
– 7p Screening of Part 18 Stream here:– Followed by Q&A with David Lynch, Kyle MacLachlan and Laura Dern

While waiting for the live tweets to begin on May 2, I created this collage of official still shots from Part 18.

Collage of images from Part 18 of Twin Peaks on Showtime
Twin Peaks Part 18


The Red Carpet and theater are ready for the Twin Peaks: The Return Emmys 2018 Event.

Red carpet at the Showtime FYC Emmy 2018 Event for Twin Peaks
Red Carpet welcome for the Twin Peaks Emmy 2018 event
Paramount Theatre with screen
Theatre for the Twin Peaks Emmys 2018 Event
Chocolate Doughnuts on a white plate
Doughnuts in the green room.

Before the screening, Laura Dern and Kyle MacLachlan posed for a few photos on the red carpet.

Laura Dern standing on the red carpet
Laura Dern
Kyle MacLachlan standing on the red carpet
Kyle MacLachlan
Laura Dern and Kyle MacLachlan standing on the red carpet at the Showtime FYC Emmy 2018 Event for Twin Peaks
Laura Dern and Kyle MacLachlan
Kyle MacLachlan on the Red Carpet at the Showtime FYC Emmys 2018 Event for Twin Peaks
Kyle MacLachlan on the Red Carpet
Laura and Kyle on Red Carpet at the Showtime FYC Emmys 2018 Event for Twin Peaks
Laura Dern and Kyle MacLachlan on the Red Carpet
Adele Rene on Red Carpet at the Showtime FYC Emmys 2018 Event for Twin Peaks
Adele Rene on Red Carpet. Photo from @AdeleRene on Twitter
Laura Dern and Kyle MacLachlan at the Showtime FYC Emmys 2018 Event for Twin Peaks
Laura Dern and Kyle MacLachlan on the red carpet

Showtime posted additional photos from the red carpet welcome on the Twin Peaks Facebook page.

Laura Dern and Kyle MacLachlan hugging at the Showtime FYC Emmys 2018 Event for Twin Peaks

Laura Dern and Kyle MacLachlan at the Showtime FYC Emmys 2018 Event for Twin Peaks

Laura Dern and Kyle MacLachlan at the Showtime FYC Emmys 2018 Event for Twin Peaks

Kyle MacLachlan at the Showtime FYC Emmys 2018 Event for Twin Peaks

Laura Dern at the Showtime FYC Emmys 2018 Event for Twin Peaks


Kyle MacLachlan took to the stage to welcome guests to the event.

Kyle MacLachlan
Kyle MacLachlan on stage.


At 7:14 p.m., the Showtime team shared the Part 18 broadcast was starting now.

Starts Now Ad with David Lynch, Kyle MacLachlan and Laura Dern in Twin Peaks

At 9:04 p.m. the Showtime team sent a tweet with a photo of David Lynch, Kyle MacLachlan and Laura Darn.

David Lynch, Kyle MacLachlan and Laura Dern backstage
Kyle, Laura and David backstage. It is happening SOON!

David Lynch, Kyle MacLachlan and Laura Dern backstage


Following the screening of Part 18, a panel discussion was moderated by Andy Greenwald.

Panel Discussion with Andy Greenwald, David Lynch, Kyle MacLachlan and Laura Dern standing on Stage at the Showtime FYC Emmys 2018 Event for Twin Peaks
Moderator Andy Greenwald, David Lynch, Kyle MacLachlan and Laura Dern on stage.

David Lynch, Kyle MacLachlan and Laura Dern on Stage at the Showtime FYC Emmys 2018 Event for Twin Peaks

Panel Discussion with David Lynch, Kyle MacLachlan and Laura Dern standing on Stage at the Showtime FYC Emmys 2018 Event for Twin Peaks

David Lynch on Stage at the Showtime FYC Emmys 2018 Event for Twin Peaks

Kyle MacLachlan and Laura Dern share the Stage at the Showtime FYC Emmys 2018 Event for Twin Peaks

David Lynch and Kyle MacLachlan discuss on Stage at the Showtime FYC Emmys 2018 Event for Twin Peaks

David Lynch, Kyle MacLachlan and Laura Dern standing on Stage at the Showtime FYC Emmys 2018 Event for Twin Peaks

Kyle MacLachlan


Here are a few quotes from the panel as shared by the Showtime team:

Miguel Ferrer
Miguel Ferrer

David Lynch on the passing of Miguel Ferrer: Albert has since passed away. This is so sad. And in the world of Twin Peaks, Gordon Cole is pretty much devastated.

Twin Peaks Cast
Twin Peaks Cast at Twin Peaks FYC Emmys 2018 Event. Photo from @AdeleRene via Twitter.

On the return of so many characters and the new cast David Lynch says: We were so extremely lucky, 25 years after the original, so beautiful. It was like seeing family members that you love. All the new people that came, 235 actors, all of them solid gold.

Not a Tea Kettle
I’m not a little tea kettle … I’m a sculpted machine.

David Lynch tells the audience: It’s not a tea kettle, it’s a machine he sculpted. If you want to see it as that, I’m fine.

Mark Frost and David Lynch wearing jackets in 1989 and on set for Twin Peaks in 2015
David Lynch and Mark Frost – Then and Now

David Lynch on bringing back Twin Peaks: Mark invited me to lunch and we talked, and I guess that talk was almost 25 years after Laura said, “I’ll see you again in 25 years.” One thing leads to another, and there it is.

Kyle MacLachlan standing by red curtains
Kyle MacLachlan returns to Twin Peaks

Kyle MacLachlan on returning to the role: The thing that excited me the most was going back to work with David Lynch. The idea of being able to return to a version of Twin Peaks with David and Mark. To me was just, as David says, solid gold, and that’s where I wanted to be.

Dale Cooper and Diane Evans in Part 18
Kyle and Laura … solid gold!

David Lynch on Kyle MacLachlan and Laura Dern: There’s a word called love. It’s a real important word to define my feelings for these people. They’re solid gold. (On Kyle) We just clicked like we’ve known each other for millions of year. Laura’s just like a family.

The Fireman sitting and saying "Listen" from Twin Peaks
Part 1
The Fireman sitting and saying "To The Sounds" from Twin Peaks
Part 1

David Lynch on sound in Twin Peaks: Sound is at least 50% of the experience. It’s emotion. It defines spaces and moods. It’s one of the elements, like music, lighting and costumes. Every single thing is critical. A lot of experimentation. It’s a fun road to go down.

Dougie Jones after drinking coffee at the breakfast table
Part 4

On what made David laugh while filming: (he pauses and jokes with the audience): It’s really great to be here with you all tonight. Dougie made me laugh for sure. 

[Kyle] We would have fun with Dougie. David would say would say, ‘now, bite that donut.’

Agent Cooper Grabs Sheriff Truman's nose at the Twin Peaks Sheriff's Department
Episode 1.002

[David Lynch continues]: I liked it when Special Agent Dale Cooper tweaks Sheriff Truman’s nose.

Laura Dern on her feelings about Twin PeaksI’m seeing characters I love, meeting actors I’d never met, not knowing where it was going to unfold. I remember it like so many outrageous moments working in the worlds he [Lynch] made for us.

Laura Palmer in Bed with Annie Blackburn
“My name is Annie…” – a scene from Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me.

David Lynch on bringing Twin Peaks back: For a long time, no itch. But, at the same time, there’s a thing in Fire Walk With Me where Laura is in her bed and she’s visited by Annie. Annie says, ‘I’m in the Black Lodge with the good Dale. Write that in your diary’. That little bit right there held a string of dreams.

On what would be inside if their faces swung up like Laura Palmer:

David Lynch: Total light.
Kyle MacLachlan: A bottle of wonderful Bordeaux.
Laura Dern: Given the world we’re all sharing right now, I think it would be the world he wants us to see.


The panel discussion ended around 9:30 p.m.

Thank you to the Showtime team for hosting this event! It was wonderful to follow along on Twitter. You can follow them too – @SHO_TwinPeaks and @SHO_PR.


  • Steven Miller at Twede's Cafe enjoying cherry pie and coffee

    A "Twin Peaks" fan since October 1993, Steven Miller launched Twin Peaks Blog in February 2018 to document his decades-long fascination with David Lynch and Mark Frost's wonderful and strange show. With his Canon camera in hand, he's visited numerous film locations, attended Twin Peaks events and conducted extensive historical research about this groundbreaking series. Along with fellow Bookhouse Boys, he dreams of creating a complete Twin Peaks Archive of the series and feature film. Steven currently resides in Central Florida.

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