In this Setting the Stage article, I’m taking a look at the exterior shots of the Double R Diner from Twin Peaks Seasons 1 and 2, Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me, and Twin Peaks: The Return (Season 3) on Showtime. The Double R Diner was a key location used throughout the series, so this article is rather lengthy. So grab a damn fine cup of coffee and a slice of cherry pie that’s “the best in the try-counties” and let’s begin.
Located at 137 W North Bend Way in North Bend, Washington, the location for the Double R Diner is now known as Twede’s Cafe. The building was opened in 1941 by Roy Thompson as Thompson’s Cafe. It was renamed in the 1950s to Mar-T Cafe once the business changed hands. During filming in the late 1980s, the restaurant was known as the Mar-T Cafe. It’s iconic mid-century neon sign was often seen throughout the series. Following a fire that closed the restaurant in the year 2000, it reopened in 2001 as Twede’s Cafe.
The first time the Double R Diner is seen is early in the Pilot Episode. The waitress Heidi is seen parking outside the dinner in her tan 1968 Volkswagen Sedan “Beetle.” This is also the first time the red neon “RR” sign is shown next to the neon “Mar-T” sign. Strangely, it will disappear and reappear randomly throughout the remainder of the series.

A close up of the red neon “RR” sign was first seen in Episode 1001. Get used to this shot as it will be used five more times during Seasons 1 and 2.
In Episode 1002, the side of the Double R Diner is shown with the “Twin Peaks” (actually Mt. Si) shown in the background. Conveniently, a pine tree branch was used to cover up part of the “Mar-T” sign. The red neon “RR” sign is also missing. The shot of the logging truck passing by the 1960 Ford Country Squire (assuming Norma Jenning’s vehicle) will be used three more times in Seasons 1 and 2.
A Mack Superliner is seen parked outside the Double R Diner in Episode 1003. This shot will be used again in Episode 1005. Later in the episode the red neon “RR” sign makes another appearance (just before Shelly Johnson recounts Laura Palmer’s funeral).

Episode 1006 contains a longer edit of the logging truck passing the 1960 Ford Country Squire is seen.
This logging truck will be seen from a reverse angle in Episode 2001 in Season 2.

The final time the Double R Diner is seen in the first season is in Episode 1007. It’s a nighttime shot of the Double R Diner (sans neon “RR” sign) just before Hank Jennings talks with Norma about being in prison.

The Double R Diner returns in the first episode of Season 2. The aforementioned logging truck is seen passing in front of the Double R Diner. It’s the same logging truck seen in Episodes 1002 and 1006. This time the 1960 Ford Country Squire is parked next to the diner.
The logging truck – a 1972 Kenworth W-900 A – was owned by Littlejohn Logging, Inc. It appears the company today may be known as NorthFork Enterprises, Inc., established by Clayton Littlejohn, “who has been in the logging business for more than 30 years.”

Rather than show the individual screen caps of the truck passing by, I combined the images to get a look at the entire truck.

Once the truck passes, patrons of the Double R Diner are seen entering the restaurant. Notice the neon “RR” sign is missing from the Mar-T Cafe sign.

The only time a Twin Peaks Sheriff’s Deputy Car is seen parked next to the Double R Diner is in Episode 2002. The scene cuts to Deputy Andy covered in tape.

Episode 2003 uses a recycled shot from Episodes 1002 and 1006.
Episodes 2004 and 2005 uses the nighttime shot of the red neon “RR” sign.

Episode 2007 uses a shot of a lady sitting on a bench in front of the diner. No neon “RR” sign on the Mar-T Cafe sign.
More recycled shots appear in Episodes 2008 and 2010. I wasn’t kidding when I said you would see the neon “RR” sign several more times.

Episode 2013 has an establishing shot (no “RR” sign) with an elderly gentleman with a cane walking by the diner. The 1960 Ford Country Squire is parked in the lot. It could have been part of the footage from Episode 2001.
In the same scene as the gentleman walking, a yellow school bus from the Snoqualmie Valley School District passes by the diner.

Later in Episode 2013 before Nadine accosts Mike Nelson, this close-up shot of the the Mar-T Cafe sign is shown. It’s the only time it’s used in the series (and I love it!!).
The logging truck image from Episodes 1003 and 1005 is shown again in Episode 2014. This time, the scene is slightly extended with a 1958 Dodge D-100 passing by. Pete Martell also drives a Dodge D-100 but it’s from a different year.
Episode 2016 contains a scene with a logging truck obscuring the view of the Diner (sans “RR” neon sign). When it clears, Norma’s car is scene parked in the side lot.
A tan truck is briefly scene as the tail end of this establishing shot in Episode 2016.

The nighttime shot from Episode 1007 is used again in Episode 2020 during the montage of empty places in Twin Peaks. The neon “RR” sign is still missing.
In the last episode of Season 2, a shorter scene originally used in Episode 2001 was shown. It has a logging truck passing by the diner while patrons are entering the restaurant. This is the final shot of the Double R Diner until it’s return in Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me.

For the scenes from Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me, I combined images from both the original theatrical release and the incredible deleted or extended scenes from The Missing Pieces. The red neon “RR” sign appears again on the Mar-T Cafe sign. A yellow sign with black lettering – “Home of Twin Peaks Pies” was added to the Mar-T Cafe following the airing of Seasons 1 and 2.
Interestingly, some of the interior signs from the Double R Diner used in Seasons 1 and 2 are seen in the exterior windows. I cover some more details about this scene in this article.

In summer 2017, Showtime aired Twin Peaks: The Return or Season 3. Luckily, we returned to the Double R Diner which was redecorated and remodeled – RR2GO! – for the new season. The above photo was an official publicity still shared by the Showtime team. Notice the pie and coffee mural has a Twede’s Cafe mug. The neon red “RR” sign is back next a refurbished “Mar-T” sign.

Viewers needed to wait until Part 5 aired on June 4, 2017 to get a first look at the Double R Diner.

Part 6 aired on June 11, 2017 and contained another shot of the diner with the “Twin Peaks” (aka Mt. Si) looming in the background.

Airing on July 21, 2017, Part 11 offered the first nighttime glimpse of the diner. It’s gorgeous! The episode contains additional shots of Deputy Bobby Briggs investigating outside the building as seen below.
I liked this nighttime shot of the police car pulling up next to the Double R Diner complete with Twede’s Cafe mural

In Part 15 which aired on August 15, 2017, we return to the Double R Diner during the day. This time, Big Ed parks next two the diner after being set free by Nadine.

A closer shot shows Ed existing his truck.
The final daytime shot of the Double R Diner closes out the scene with Big Ed and Norma, who are finally together after the longest courtship ever. The scene is similar to one shown in Part 6.

The last look at the Double R Diner comes in Part 18 (aired September 4, 2017) as Cooper/Richard drives Carrie Page through the empty nighttime streets of Twin Peaks.