Mount Si with trees in foreground

Setting the Stage – Twin Peaks Sheriff’s Department Exterior in Season 1

Twin Peaks's Sheriff's Department
Episode 1004

This Setting the Stage article is the first in a three-part series about the Twin Peaks Sheriff’s Department’s exterior. Originally, I wanted one story containing all the exterior shots of the Sheriff’s Department. After analyzing the captured images from Seasons 1-3, I realized I needed three different articles. This first story focuses on the Pilot Episode and Episodes 1-7 from Season 1 of Twin Peaks.

Google Maps

The Twin Peaks Sheriff’s Department is located at 7001 396th Dr SE in Snoqualmie, Washington. When the Pilot Episode was shot, the Sheriff’s Department location was the Weyerhaeuser’s Snoqualmie mill office. With operations starting in 1917, the mill was the company’s second manufacturing facility. Today, the office building houses Dirtfish Rally School.

The building is located off 396th Dr. SE, which is the same road that Special Agent Dale Cooper uses to “drive” into the town of Twin Peaks.

Weyerhaeuser's Snoqualmie Mill Office

W.W. Warren Sundial Bronze Marker

The building, as seen in the Twin Peaks Visual Soundtrack  released by Warner Music Vision, provided a closer look at the memorial to William Willard Warren.  According to, he “played a very important role in the evolution of the town of Snoqualmie Falls and Lumber Company.”

The bronze likeness and sundial once located outside the building was one of four memorials in Snoqualmie Valley. It was purchased with small donations from W.W. Warren’s workers following his passing at the age of 45 in 1921.

Pilot Episode
Pilot Episode

The first time viewers see the exterior of the Twin Peaks Sheriff’s Department is in the Pilot Episode. This is shortly after Sheriff Harry S. Truman receives a call from Pete Martell about a body “dead, wrapped in plastic” he discovered outside of Blue Pine Lodge. Sheriff Truman grabs his coat and exits the building.

Pilot Episode

Pilot Episode

Pilot Episode

Pilot Episode

Sheriff Truman drives away from the Sheriff’s Department in his navy Ford Bronco. Look carefully in this scene and you’ll spot a reflection of the camera crew on the side of the vehicle.

Pilot Episode
Pilot Episode

The Pilot Episode contains a second exterior image just before Special Agent Dale Cooper and Sheriff Harry Truman examine the contents of Laura Palmer’s Diary. It’s also the scene where Cooper holds the small box of chocolate bunnies.

Episode 1001
Episode 1001
Episode 1001
Episode 1001

In Episode 1001, Agent Cooper is seen walking up to the front entrance after enjoying breakfast at the Great Northern Hotel.

Episode 1004
Episode 1004

A closer shot of the Twin Peaks Sheriff’s Department sign is seen in Episode 1004. This shot appears just before Deputy Andy Brennan, Sheriff Truman, and Agent Cooper are shown looking at files from the Lydecker Veterinary Clinic.

Episode 1006
Episode 1006
Episode 1006
Episode 1006

In Episode 1006, a Twin Peaks Sheriff’s Deputy car passes in front of the office. This scene takes place prior Deputy Andy Brennan confronting Lucy Moran.

Episode 1006
Episode 1006
Episode 1006
Episode 1006
Episode 1006
Episode 1006

Later in Episode 1006, the Sheriff’s Department is shown at night during a rainstorm.  Unlike the previous daytime shot, Truman’s Ford Bronco is joined by a second tan-colored 1989 Buick Electra (assuming it’s Special Agent Dale Cooper’s vehicle). The headlights of a deputy’s car illuminate the Buick as it drives by the office.

Cooper arrived in the town of Twin Peaks driving a 1981 blue Dodge Diplomat. It’s never explained how or why his vehicle changed. We’ll see the Buick Electra (and other variations of the Buick) in other episodes … but that’s for another time.

The scene cuts to the team preparing for their visit to One-Eyed Jack’s.

Episode 1006
Episode 1006

The corner of the Sheriff’s Department is briefly shown as Leo Johnson flees the scene in the pouring rain. There is  strategically placed vehicle on the right side of the screen.

Google Map

According to the map above, I believe the scene was shot at the top left corner of the building. I’m guessing the crew placed a white light around the back of the building to help illuminate Leo running away.

Episode 1007
Episode 1007

Episode 1007 closes out Season 1 in Twin Peaks. Another nighttime establishing shot is used prior to the scene where Deputy Andy is celebrated as a hero for saving Sheriff Truman. This shot is similar to one scene from Episode 1006.

Episode 1007
Episode 1007
Episode 1007
Episode 1007
Episode 1007
Episode 1007

One final glimpse of the Sheriff’s Department is seen in Episode 1007 when Sheriff Truman and Agent Cooper return from Calhoun Memorial Hospital. You can briefly see the back of Cooper exiting the vehicle through the Ford Bronco’s windows.

Click here to take a look at the Twin Peaks Sheriff’s Department as seen in Season 2.


  • Steven Miller at Twede's Cafe enjoying cherry pie and coffee

    A "Twin Peaks" fan since October 1993, Steven Miller launched Twin Peaks Blog in February 2018 to document his decades-long fascination with David Lynch and Mark Frost's wonderful and strange show. With his Canon camera in hand, he's visited numerous film locations, attended Twin Peaks events and conducted extensive historical research about this groundbreaking series. Along with fellow Bookhouse Boys, he dreams of creating a complete Twin Peaks Archive of the series and feature film. Steven currently resides in Central Florida.

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