In Twin Peaks Part 5 on Showtime, there is a short establishing shot of a car dealership in Twin Peaks. The shot sets the stage for a scene involving an adult Mike Nelson. We last saw Mike in Episode 2.022 consoling Nadine Hurley after receiving a severe bump on her head during the Miss Twin Peaks Contest. This scene was fairly easy to locate as the business sign contained the words “Bend Chevrolet” (I assumed, “North Bend Chevrolet”) and the sign contained the company’s website address.

In reality, the establishing shot was filmed by Chaplin’s North Bend Chevrolet at 106 Main Ave North, North Bend, Washington.
The interior scenes, where Mike berates Steven over a terrible resume and sloppy application, were filmed inside the historic Cook Real Estate Building at 102 & 106 West North Bend Way
Originally built as a bank in 1910, the Cook Building was renovated in the late 2000s where it was Hangchow Chinese Restaurant. You can see some fascinating history of this building on the Cook Real Estate website.

If you look carefully, you can see the Chaplin’s North Bend Chevrolet sign and a lamppost outside the main entrance window.
You can see the same lamppost in this street view image on Google Maps.
Here’s an aerial view of where the two scenes were filmed in North Bend, Washington.