Mount Si with trees in foreground

Damn Fine Twin Peaks Ceramic Pie Dish

In honor of National Pi Day on March 14, 2018, I’m taking a closer look at the Think Geek exclusive Twin Peaks Ceramic Pie Dish.


Listed as a “Think Geek Exclusive,” the Twin Peaks Ceramic Pie Dish is part of the officially licensed merchandise from Showtime.

Pie Plate Box Front

Pie Plate Box Back

I’m still in shock there has been so much merchandise released for the show within the past year. But that’s a different story.

The dish was manufactured by Just Funky LLC based in Richfield, Ohio. According to their website, “Just Funky is a premiere manufacturer of licensed and private label merchandise for the mainstream retail market. As a family owned business, our executives have combined 44 years’ experience in manufacturing, licensing, retail and creative development.”

Box Inside

The pie dish was packaged in a Red Room-inspired box complete with red curtain motif found on the front and the back. One of my favorite packaging details was printed on the inside – the iconic black and white chevron floor!

Pie Plate

Pie Plate Detail

Dishwasher and microwave safe, the dish contains a logo from the Double R Diner, cherry pie graphics, and a quote from Special Agent Dale Cooper. The 41-ounce plate has bright red base with white interior. The bottom diameter is 8-inches while the top diameter measures 10.75-inches.

Bottom of pie plate

The bottom of the pie dish I ordered has a 2018 copyright, while the top of the dish and the packaging have a 2017 copyright.

Making some pie

The description on the Think Geek website reads:


We may not all be as gifted as Garnet Mae Cross, the lady who baked the infamous cherry pie enjoyed so much by FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper in the second episode of Twin Peaks, but we all have a little something we’re famous for, right? It might even just be that you put the exact right amount of milk on the Froot Loops. We can support that, too.

Show off your culinary abilities or just your fandom with this Twin Peaks ceramic pie plate. It features Cooper’s “This must be where pies go when they die” quote on the inside, alongside the logo for the show’s Double R Diner. We hear they have some damn fine coffee, there, too. You know, if you sent this to a Twin Peaks fan, prefilled with pie… that’d be just about the best present ever. We bet you’d get an epic poem as a thank you note.”

Agent Cooper eating pie while Big Ed watches
Episode 1.003

One final note, Special Agent Dale Cooper said his now famous line about pies in episode 1.003 when he meets with Sheriff Truman, Deputy Hawk and Big Ed Hurley at the Double R Diner. Funny thing is Cooper doesn’t order cherry pie. His order: “Norma, slice of huckleberry pie, heated. Vanilla ice cream on the side. Coffee.”


  • Steven Miller at Twede's Cafe enjoying cherry pie and coffee

    A "Twin Peaks" fan since October 1993, Steven Miller launched Twin Peaks Blog in February 2018 to document his decades-long fascination with David Lynch and Mark Frost's wonderful and strange show. With his Canon camera in hand, he's visited numerous film locations, attended Twin Peaks events and conducted extensive historical research about this groundbreaking series. Along with fellow Bookhouse Boys, he dreams of creating a complete Twin Peaks Archive of the series and feature film. Steven currently resides in Central Florida.

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