Twin Peaks Prop – Small Boxes of Chocolate Bunnies
It’s all about the bunnies this Easter weekend! I’m taking a closer look at boxes of chocolate bunnies from the Twin Peaks Pilot episode and Part 3 in Season 3 on Showtime.
It’s all about the bunnies this Easter weekend! I’m taking a closer look at boxes of chocolate bunnies from the Twin Peaks Pilot episode and Part 3 in Season 3 on Showtime.
Today, I’m introducing a new series called “Setting the Stage” which looks at the sets and places that make up the world of Twin Peaks. I begin this series with a look at one of the first film locations I visited in 1996 – Kiana Lodge. It’s located at 14976 Sandy Hook Rd NE, in Poulsbo,…
My work office celebrated Something on a Stick Day on March 28 (yes it’s a holiday created by some unknown mystery man). At the office, we were encourage to decorate a paint stick with an image of our face, interests or favorite food. I jumped at the chance to showcase my love of “Twin Peaks”
According to a 1991 Star Pics trading card, a Bewick’s Wren (pronounced like “Buick”) supposedly greeted viewers during each Twin Peaks episode in seasons 1 and 2. In reality, the bird was a varied female Thrush. The film location for this scene was originally identified by Charles from the now defunct InTwinPeaks.com website. It was…
Early in Twin Peaks Part 1 on Showtime, a 21 second aerial view of the New York City skyline is shown. The key to identifying the footage used for this clip was found when I located the footage used for Diane Evans’ apartment.
One of the first costume props I identified for Twin Peaks Season 3 on Showtime was Lucy Brennan’s earrings. The first publicity shots from the series were released in March 2017 and included an image of Lucy and Andy Brennan at the Twin Peaks Sheriff’s Department (it’s from a scene in Part 4).
Toward the end of Twin Peaks Part 5 on Showtime, there is a short establishing shot of Buenos Aires, Argentina. As it turns out, this scene has a minor connection to the exterior establishing shot of Diane Evans’ apartment.
Duncan Todd (played by Patrick Fischler) in Twin Peaks Season 3 on Showtime was an associate of Mr. C. He appeared in Parts 2, 6, 10, 13, and 15, and was often seen siting behind a desk in a spacious, modern office overlooking “Las Vegas.” As it turns out, his office scenes were filmed in the heart…
In Twin Peaks Part 2 on Showtime, Mr. C hosts a dinner party with Ray Monroe, Darya and Jack at a restaurant in South Dakota. The establishing shot for this scene was from Bell’s Motor Lodge in Spearfish, South Dakota (as seen in this article). The restaurant interior, however, was filmed in southern California. It…
In Twin Peaks Part 2 on Showtime, there is a short establishing shot of a motel at night. The scene cuts to Mr. C, Jack, Ray and Darya having a lively conversation about needs and wants inside a restaurant. This establishing shot implies the dinner was taking place at this spot (it didn’t –…