Exterior of The Line

Twin Peaks Prop – ‘Spring Formal’ at Double R Diner and Roadhouse

The painting was the backdrop for some of the most memorable scenes at the Double R Diner in Twin Peaks. And now it’s been identified


“Spring Formal” was painted in 1958 by American visual artist Norman Yeckley (1914-1994).  According to his biography on askART, Yeckley was:

“A painter of desert landscapes who lived primarily in California, Norman Yeckley was born in Douglas, Arizona, and raised in Arizona and California. In 1928, he settled with his family in Glendale, California. After graduating from high school, he studied at the Otis Art Institute and the Art Students League of Los Angeles where he was a student of Dana Bartlett.

In the 1930s, he began painting desert landscapes and by the 1940s, had gallery representation in Phoenix, Los Angeles, and Palm Desert. The Donald Art Company of New York also reproduced a number of his oil paintings and sold them nationally. He remained a resident of Southern California and was active in the Glendale and Laguna Beach Art Association.”


Norma Jennings sitting at the Double R Diner counter
Episode 2.017

To identify the painting, I made a smaller version of the image from the scene with Bobby and Major Briggs in Episode 2001. I then used Google’s image search which identified the painting as the scene with Gordon Cole and Shelly Johnson. I instead searched with the words, “desert painting.”

Major Briggs and Bobby Briggs share a booth at the Double R Diner
Episode 2.001

This time, the results returned a link to Donald-Art.com with the original Yeckley painting is currently being sold for $1,200. Interestingly, the site labeled the painting “Dessert [sic] Flowers.” Photos courtesy of Donald-Art.com.

Norman Yeckley "Spring Formal"

Norman Yeckley "Spring Formal"

Norman Yeckley "Spring Formal"

The painting remained in the Double R Diner throughout seasons 1 and 2 of Twin Peaks.


While watching Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me, I realized the painting was also found in the Roadhouse. I’m assuming it’s the same painting prop that was used in the series (the frame appears similar).

Laura Palmer at the Roadhouse
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me

Perhaps the inclusion of the painting was foreshadowing the desert scenes in Season 3. Does anyone have a light for the Woodsman?


  • Steven Miller at Twede's Cafe enjoying cherry pie and coffee

    A "Twin Peaks" fan since October 1993, Steven Miller launched Twin Peaks Blog in February 2018 to document his decades-long fascination with David Lynch and Mark Frost's wonderful and strange show. With his Canon camera in hand, he's visited numerous film locations, attended Twin Peaks events and conducted extensive historical research about this groundbreaking series. Along with fellow Bookhouse Boys, he dreams of creating a complete Twin Peaks Archive of the series and feature film. Steven currently resides in Central Florida.

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One thought on “Twin Peaks Prop – ‘Spring Formal’ at Double R Diner and Roadhouse

  1. I have the same painting. My wif bought at a Thrift store in Edgewood NM. I am looking to sell it. Make me an offer. Alan

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